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What does a broken manifold ensure?

Waarvoor zorgt een kapot spruitstuk?

Fresh Parts |

When we think of the functioning of a scooter, it comes manifold Usually not the first in us. Yet it is an essential part of the engine that plays a crucial role in delivering optimum performance. A broken manifold can lead to numerous problems that can influence the overall performance and life of your beloved two -wheeler. In this blog article we will elaborate on the possible consequences of a damaged manifold on a scooter and emphasize the importance of timely maintenance.

What is one manifold And how does it work?

Before we discuss the possible consequences of a broken manifold, let's first consider what the manifold actually is and how it functions. The manifold is an important part of the scooter exhaust system. It connects the exhaust ports of the cylinder head with the exhaust pipe, so that exhaust gases can escape from the combustion chamber.

  1. Reduced engine performance:

One of the most striking consequences of a damaged manifold is a noticeable reduction in engine performance. The manifold plays a crucial role in optimizing the air flow to the engine. If the manifold is damaged, air can escape before it reaches the cylinder head, resulting in an incomplete combustion. As a result, the scooter will deliver less power, accelerate more difficult and have a reduced top speed.

  1. Increased fuel consumption:

A broken manifold Can also lead to increased fuel consumption. Because the combustion is not optimal, the engine has to work harder to deliver the same performance. This results in higher fuel consumption and more tank stops, which ultimately increases the operational costs of your scooter.

  1. Motor overheating:

A damaged manifold can also contribute to the overheating of the engine. If the combustion is not efficient, unbranded fuel residues may remain in the exhaust ports and the manifold. These remains can accumulate and form an obstacle to the air flow, which can lead to a rich air-fuel mixture and overheating of the engine.

  1. Exhaust gases and environmental problems:

A broken manifold can lead to increased emissions of harmful substances in the exhaust gases. This not only affects the performance of your scooter, but it can also contribute to environmental problems and air quality problems. It is important to have your scooter checked regularly for damage to it manifold To keep the emissions within the legal standards.


A healthy manifold is crucial for the optimal functioning of your scooter. A broken manifold can lead to reduced performance, increased fuel consumption, overheating of the engine and environmental problems. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of damaged parts are essential to maintain the life and performance of your scooter. Always contact a professional technician if you suspect that there are problems with the manifold or other engine -related matters, to ensure a safe and smooth driving experience.

This money for every scooter with a manifold Consider:

  1. Vespa:

    • Vespa Primavera
    • Vespa Sprint
    • Vespa GTS
    • Vespa LX
  2. Piaggio:

    • Piaggio Liberty
    • Piaggio Fly
    • Piaggio Typhoon
    • Piaggio Zip
  3. Kymco:

    • Kymco Agility
    • Kymco Super 8
    • Kymco People S
  4. Peugeot:

    • Peugeot Kisbee
    • Peugeot Django
    • Peugeot Tweet
  5. GY6 and Chinese brands (in different models and names).